1. booksshouldbefree.com - one of the best collections of audiobooks.
2. storynory.com - short audio fairy.
3. librivox.org - volunteers (native speakers), read books and send files to the site. Absolutely free audio books with good quality sound and text.
4. freeclassicaudiobooks.com - classic audiobooks.
5. learnoutloud.com - free audio books and videos for training and self-development.
6. podiobooks.com - an interesting resource, free audiobook modern, often read by the authors themselves, mostly with music. On the site you can read reviews of those who have heard of the book.
7. etc.usf.edu/lit2go - an invaluable resource with a lot of audiobooks, provided one of the centers of online training in Florida.
8. newfiction.com - you will hear spoken American English in the new audiobooks on current topics, accompanied by cartoons and sound effects.
9. thoughtaudio.com - the book that shook the world, the ones that make you think.
10. free-books.org - there are the following audiobook: Jane Ayer, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Anderson Fairy Tales, stories of Jack London and others.
11. literalsystems.org - another site of audiobooks, where volunteers read and spread the book.
12. librophile.com - excellent and simple interface for selection of audiobooks with librivox.org
1. kiddierecords.com - children's audio books and songs of the 40s-50s of America, along with colorful books. You can listen and flipping picture books online, and can be downloaded.
2. robertmunsch.com - audio books for kids, along with the text to read very emotional Roberts Manchsem.
3. karay.org - free audiobook for children often read by a girl named Kara.
4. alvietheburro.com/index.html - a series of fun children's story about a little brown donkey named Alvy.
5. kidsaudiobooks.co.uk/mp3_downloads.htm - a collection of more than 200 audioistory for children.
6. mightybook.com - a collection of illustrated and animated audiorasskazov for children.
7. speakaboos.com/stories/favorites - here you will find about 100 audiknig for children are available for listening and viewing online.
8. worldoftales.com/audio_fairy_tales.html - the best audio fairy for children.
9. talesfromtheforest.co.uk - 11 free audio books for children.
10. wiredforbooks.org/kids.htm - a collection of audio books for children are available for listening online and download in MP3.